Despite the existence of artificial intelligence and professional developers

 Despite the existence of artificial intelligence and professional developers, learning programming is still necessary and beneficial for the following reasons:

1. Understanding Artificial Intelligence: Learning programming is essential to understand how artificial intelligence works. AI relies on programming and algorithms to analyze data and make decisions. By understanding programming, you will be able to grasp the fundamentals of AI and interact with it more effectively.

2. Customizing Solutions: You may have a need to customize and modify existing AI solutions to suit your individual needs or specific projects. By understanding programming, you can modify and adapt existing AI solutions to achieve the desired results.

3. Development and Innovation: Learning programming provides a platform for development and innovation. You may have a new idea that you want to turn into reality, and learning programming gives you the ability to implement these ideas and develop new applications that meet your needs or the needs of society.

4. Independence and Job Opportunities: Learning programming opens up a wide range of opportunities in the job market. You can work as a software developer, software engineer, UI designer, data engineer, and achieve professional independence and higher employment prospects.

5. Interaction with Developers: When you learn programming, you can communicate and interact better with professional developers. You will be able to speak a common language and understand technical concepts, which facilitates collaboration and teamwork on technical projects.

6. General Understanding of Technology: Learning programming gives you a general understanding of technology and the world of computing. You will be able to comprehend technical concepts and interact with technology better, enabling you to make more informed decisions.

In addition to these benefits, learning programming can have various personal advantages, such as:

- Mental Skills Development: Programming serves as an excellent exercise for developing critical and analytical thinking skills, as well as the ability to break down large problems into manageable parts.

- Boosting Creativity and Innovation: You can use programming as a means to express your creativity and transform innovative ideas into practical solutions.

- Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills: Learning programming encourages the improvement of problem-solving skills, as you face challenges and errors and need to experiment and iterate to find the right solutions.

- Understanding the Tech World: Learning programming can help you understand the tech world we live in and interact with technology more effectively, including smartphones, applications, and websites.

- Ability to Innovate in Other Fields: Programming skills can be beneficial in various fields, regardless of your career path. You may be able to apply programming concepts in areas such as financial analysis, biological sciences, engineering, and more.

While artificial intelligence and developers play crucial roles in advancing technology and delivering innovative solutions, learning programming gives you the ability to control and influence software and the technology around you in unique and innovative ways.


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