Assembly language

 Assembly language is a low-level programming language used for direct computer programming. It serves as an interface between machine language and high-level programming languages. Assembly language is very close to machine language, using a set of symbolic codes and instructions to control the execution of programs on the processor.

Assembly language is known for its flexibility and direct control over hardware. It provides direct functions to manipulate memory, processor operations, inputs, and outputs. Programs written in assembly language are translated into machine language using special programs called assemblers.

Assembly language includes a set of basic instructions that can be used to perform various operations. These instructions include flow control instructions like jumps and branches, memory operations like load and store, arithmetic and logical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and bitwise operations, and input/output operations like reading from and writing to external devices.

When writing an assembly language program, symbols and abbreviations are used to represent instructions, addresses, constants, and variables. The programmer needs to be familiar with the bit layout in memory, number encoding, arithmetic and logical operations, and addressing modes.

While assembly language is generally conceptually understandable, it requires a precise understanding of the processor architecture and workings. Therefore, referring to the processor documentation or programmer's reference manual can be helpful in understanding the details of operations and available instructions.


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